Recreation Activities Management Guidelines for Office of The Basic Education Commission Personnel

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Wimonthip Samunyamatures
Suchart Taweepornpathomkul


The purpose of this research was to find recreation activities management guidelines for office of the basic education commission personnel. A sample group was 400 basic education commission personnel, Ministry of Education, whom was acquired by accidental random sampling. The questionnaire and in-depth interview were used as survey tools for collecting data. Data were statistically analyzed in terms of means, standard deviations, t-test and one-way ANOVA (F-test). After initial analysis, LSD was also used to determine the significance difference between means. The level of significant was at .05 and results were used for setting up the recreation activities management guidelines for office of the basic education commission personnel.

The results found that tourism and travelling, Health Related fitness and Mental Development were three most needed recreation activities, respectively. The recreation activities management guidelines for office of the basic education commission personnel can conclude in four parts as follows:

  1. Service staff: knowledge and ability recreation leaders should be provided for the office of the basic education commission personnel and the recreation leaders should be good in human relations and enthusiastic in service. The office of the basic education should hire the experience recreation leader to become permanent recreation officers in the office of the basic education that responsible for manage all of the recreation activities.

  2. Management and operation: The office of the basic education should provide more recreation activities and recreation facilities, set the suitable operating time for recreation services, promoting the recreation activities, divide the area in the office of the basic education for recreation service and set up the recreation authority department in the office of the basic education.

  3. Place and facilities: The office of the basic education should provide facilities for recreation activities by divide the area in the office of the basic education for recreation services, provide modern suitable and safety facilities for attracting the office of the basic education commission personnel and provide adequacy recreation facilities for demand of personnel.

  4. Financial and budgeting: The office of the basic education should support the budgeting for personnel to choose the recreation activities by their own interest.

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How to Cite
Samunyamatures, W., & Taweepornpathomkul, S. (2013). Recreation Activities Management Guidelines for Office of The Basic Education Commission Personnel. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 5(3), 117–138. Retrieved from
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