The Effects of the First Monkol Intensive Muay-Thai Study Curriculum on Health-Reklated Physical Fitness, Thai Martial Art's Skills and Attitudes of Second Key Stage Students in Bangkok Metropolis Schools

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Komson Semwimol
sirichaichan Fukjumroon
Sujittra Sukontasup
Wichit Cheechurn


The purposes of this study were to study the results of the first monkol Intensive Muay-Thai Suksa on health-related physical fitness, Thai martial art's skills and attitudes of second key stage students in Bangkok Metropolis schools. The second key stage samples comprised of 60 students. The second key stage samples were assigned into 2 groups. Thirty students were assigned to an experimental group and were studied Intensive Muay-Thai Suksa (Monkol 1) for 10 weeks, 3 days a week, and 1 hour a day. The other 30 students were assigned to a control group and were taken general physical education classes. The researcher examined health-related physical fitness of the experimental group and the control group before and after the experiment. The obtained data were analyzed in terms of means, standard deviations, and analysis of covariance. Thai martial art's skills were examined after the experiment, the results were analyzed by percentile and were summarized as an essay. Students were observed and were conducted focus group discussion after the experiment, the results were analyzed for attitudes and characteristics, and then were concluded as an essay.

The results were as follows;

  1. After studied Intensive Muay-Thai Suksa (Monkol 1), all dimensions of healthrelated physical fitness of students were significant difference from before studied Intensive Muay Thai Suksa (Monkol 1) at .05 level except body composition and the flexibility of the experimental group were significant difference from the control group at .05 level.

  2. Students were able to perform every skills of Intensive Muay-Thai Suksa (Monkol 1).

  3. Students had good attitudes, being-Thai values, unity, and diligence.

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How to Cite
Semwimol, K., Fukjumroon, sirichaichan, Sukontasup, S., & Cheechurn, W. (2013). The Effects of the First Monkol Intensive Muay-Thai Study Curriculum on Health-Reklated Physical Fitness, Thai Martial Art’s Skills and Attitudes of Second Key Stage Students in Bangkok Metropolis Schools. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 5(3), 161–172. retrieved from
Research Articles


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