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Worawit Pradittakarn
Panu Sriwisut
Raja Syed Tengku Sulaiman
Sunanta Suphan


The purposes of this research were to construct a test of craw stroke swimming skills and school norms for grade 5 - 6 students at Anubanlamtub School. The population used in this study consisted of 151 students. The 30 samples of this study were chosen by the simple random sampling method. The instrument used in this research was a crawl swimming skill test. The statistics for the data analysis were mean, standard deviation, Index of Item – Objective Congruence, Pearson’s Product - Moment Correlation coefficient and t - test. The significance level was set at 0.05.  

          The results showed that there were 5 items of crawl swimming test consisting of the body position test, as well as the leg, arm, breathing and swimming relationship skills. The overall content validity of the test was 0.96. The test - retest reliability for male student was .903 and .886 for female students. The objectivity was judged by 2 raters for male students was .772 and .814 for female students. It was also found that the raw score school norms for male students were more than 6 points which means very good, 4 – 5 points means fair, less than 3 points means poor; and for female students were more than 6 points which means very good, 4 – 5 points means fair, less than 3 points means poor. The T-score norms for male students were more than 53 points which means very good, 40 - 52 points means fair and less than 39 points means poor; and for female students were more than 53 points which means very good, 39 - 52 points means fair and less than 38 points means poor. The percentile norms for male students were more than 53 which means very good, 40 - 52 means fair, less than 39 means poor; and for female students were more than 53 means which very good, 40 – 52 means fair and less than 39 means poor.

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How to Cite
Pradittakarn, W. ., Sriwisut, P. ., Tengku Sulaiman, R. S. ., & Suphan, S. . (2022). CONSTRUCTION OF SPORT SKILLS TEST & NORMS IN CRAW STROKE SWIMMING FOR PRIMARY LEVEL FIVE - SIX STUDENTS OF ANUBANLAMTUB SCHOOL. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 15(1), 235–246. retrieved from
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