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Patcharee Tongkampanit
Chattrakul Panuthai


The purposes of this study were 1) to construct the moving meditation training equipment and program for shooting players, and 2) investigate the results of the moving meditation training program on shooting ability. This study consisted of two phrases: Phrase 1 to construct moving meditation training equipment and moving meditation training program used along with the constructed training equipment. The constructed training equipment and program were reviewed by three experts to investigate the content validity index (CVI), and both of them were tried out with shooting players; Phrase 2 to investigate the results of the training program on shooting ability. Twenty-four shooting club players aged between 19 - 24 years old participated in this study. They were divided into two groups, each of which comprised twelve players, by matched group method. The control group was trained with the traditional training program of the shooting club and the experimental group was trained with the traditional training program combined with the constructed moving mediation training program. Both groups were trained three days a week for eight weeks. The 10-meter air pistol shooting ability was assessed before training, after the fourth and the eighth training weeks, by the SCATT shooting training system. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, t - test dependent, One - Way Analysis of Variance with repeated measure, pairwise comparison by Least Significant Difference method (LSD) at the level of 0.05.

          The findings revealed that: 1) the moving meditation training equipment, the CVI 0.92, consisted of two parts and the moving meditation training program, the CVI 1.00, consisted of three drills, 2) there were no significant differences of shooting ability between the control and the experimental groups before training and after the fourth training week, interestingly, there were significant differences of shooting ability between both groups after the eighth training week; 3) there were no significant differences of shooting ability within the control group before training, after the fourth and the eighth training weeks; however, there were significant differences of shooting ability within the experimental group before training, after the fourth and the eighth training weeks. In conclusion, training with the constructed moving meditation training equipment and program for eight weeks can develop the shooting players’ shooting ability.

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How to Cite
Tongkampanit, P. ., & Panuthai, C. . (2022). THE CONSTRUCTION OF MOVING MEDITAION TRAINING EQUIPMENT AND PROGRAM ON SHOOTING ABILITY. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 14(3), 39–56. retrieved from
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