Expectations and the reality of knowledge and skills in Research Competency for Faculties of Physical Education Institutes in the North

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Jaturong Hemara
Chaiya Aungsusuknaruemon


The purpose of this study was to examine the research context of the northern institute of physical education and to compare the realistic and expected condition, knowledge, and skills among the northern IPE instructors. The sample included northern IPE instructors of the year 2013. The sample size was calculated using the Darwin Hendel's random sampling Table. Data was gathered from one hundred and two samples. The Stratified Random Sampling and Simple Random Sampling were used to select the samples. The research instrument composed 1) questionnaires enquiring about the relevant research context by the northern IPE instructors and 2) realistic and expected estimation inventory for condition, knowledge, and skills among the northern IPE instructors. The content validity was conducted by three experts; all found internal consistency at 0.67- 1.00. The internal reliability was conducted using the Cronbach's Alpha Reliability Coefficient; 0.945 for the research context of the northern institute of physical education and 0.985 for realistic and expected condition, knowledge, and skills among the northern IPE instructors. For data analysis, the frequency, percentage, mean (7), standard deviation (S.D.) were used. To compare the realistic and expected condition, knowledge, and skills among the northern IPE instructors, the Paired-Sample t-test was used.

The results show as follows.

  1. The northern IPE instructors were of the opinion toward research promotion policy moderately (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 2.97, SD. = 0.83), research-contributing condition moderately (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 2.68, SD. = 0.88), research personnel moderately (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 2.81, SD. = 0.95), and number of regional researches moderately (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 2.52, SD. = 0.86). 

  2. To compare means between knowledge and skill, and realistic and expected condition in the northern IPE instructors, the Paired-Sample t-test results show the statistically significant difference at .05. Data analysis indicated that means knowledge and skill relating to current research conducting was lower than that of expected research conducting in all respect of areas.

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How to Cite
Hemara, J. ., & Aungsusuknaruemon, C. (2014). Expectations and the reality of knowledge and skills in Research Competency for Faculties of Physical Education Institutes in the North. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 6(1), 69–82. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/256269
Research Articles


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