Factors Related to Weightlifter's Achievement in Thai National Team
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The purposes of this research were to study 1) To study the level of importance within factors related to weightlifter's achievement in Thai national team, 2) The relationship between factors and rewarding medals and proudness. 3) The establishment for predicting equations. Subjects were 450 stakeholders classified as Sport Authority of Thailand representatives, Olympic committees of Thailand, weightlifting association committees, weightlifting clubs representatives, team managers, coaches and weightlifting athletes. Research tools consisted of depth interviews and questionnaires. The collected data were, then, analyzed in terms of means, standard deviations, Pearson's Product moment correlation coefficients, multiple regression analysis and blockwise selection, stepwise with statistical significance at .05 level.
The results were as follows: 1) Factors related to weightlifters achievement in Thai national team were at the high importance level, respectively, as talent
identification and athlete selection, athlete competency development, competition analysis and evaluation, sport association management and supporting and promoting. 2) The main 5 factors were found high relationship to weightlifters achievement in
Thai national team classified as rewarding medals and proudness. Competency athlete development high related to competition analysis and evaluation, talent identification and athlete selection, sport association management. 3) Predictable equations of weightlifter's achievement in Thai national team (1) For rewarding medals possibly predicted to 61.80 percents. 7 subfactors of the main 5 factors were statistically at .05 level, the factors could be classified into 2 directions : the positive factors and negative
factor. There were six positive factors and one negative factor. The positive factors
consisted of that as association administrators to wide vision, athlete selection from association members, from nations and international competitions, organizing international competition, commendation of athlete fulfillment, athlete training in long intensive programs. However, there was one negative factor as provision sport scientist, nutritionist, physical therapists and medical doctor teams for training and competition. (2) For rewarding proudness possibly predicted to 76.10 percents. 12 subfactors of the main 5 factors were statistically at .05 level, the factors could be classified into 2 directions : the positive factors and negative factors. There were eight positive factors and four negative factors. The positive factors consisted of that as association administrators to wide vision, athlete selection based on appropriate body structure, developing weightlifting personnel, evaluating performance of athlete an opponents, athlete selection based on mental and physical fitness, sending male and female athletes participate in international events, commendation of athlete fulfillment, However, there were four negative factors as to association executing good governance for all concerns, strict implementation of prevention and care of athlete injury measures, creation brilliant image of weightlifting, and supporting referees working internationally.
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