oach Leadership and Athletes' Satisfaction Related to Athletes' Performing Behaviors and Game Results in the 27th National Youth Games

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Sunti Sitthichanda


The purposes of this research were: (1) to study coach-leadership and athletes' satisfaction. (2) to propose coach-leadership and athletes' satisfaction related to athletes' performing behaviors and game results in the 27th National Youth Games. (3) to

establish the equations of the influences of coach-leadership and athletes' satisfaction affecting the athletes' performing behaviors and game results in the 27th National Youth Games. The mixed methodology was employed. The sample group for the quantitative research was 432 male and female soccer teams players, which selected by purposive sampling. The instrument for data collection was questionnaires on coach-leadership, athletes satisfaction, athletes' performing behaviors and game results. The statistics employed were frequency, percentage, arithmetic means, standard deviations, Pearson's Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression. In addition, the three athletes' team representatives, which 72 athletes were used for the qualitative research methods. Interviewing forms and observation forms were used to collect the data.

The results of the research were as follows: (1) the level of coach leadership and athletes' satisfaction overall was in the moderate level. (2) coach-leadership positive correlated to athletes' performing behaviors in 3 aspects as follows: coach-leadership in training and consultants, dictatorial leadership and democratic leadership. While, coachleadership correlated to game results in 4 aspects as follows: training and consultants, democratic leadership, community and group supporting, and positive results or rewarding. Both were statistically significant at 0.01. Athletes' satisfaction correlat game results in 6 aspects as follows: satisfaction in strategies, individual performances, training and consultants, team participation, community participation and budgeting. Also, Athletes' satisfaction correlated to athletes' performing behaviors in 7 aspects as follows: strategies, individual performances, training and consultants, team participation, community participation, ethics, and budgeting. Both were statistically significant at 0.01. (3) The Multiple Regression Analysis and creation of forecasting the equation of athletes' performing behaviors by coach- leadership in the 27th National Youth Games as shown in the following equation of standard score:

Ź = .726 (dictatorial leadership) +.095 (training and consultants).

It could be forecasting that the game results by coach-leadership in the 27th National Youth Games as shown in the following equation of standard score:

Î = .317 (training and consultants) – .235 (democratic leadership) + .215 (community and group supporting) + .191 (positive results or rewarding).

It could be forecasting that the athletes' performing behaviors by athletes' satisfaction in the 27th National Youth Games as shown in the following equation of

Z = .658 (ethics) + .152 (team participation) +.142 (individual performances).

It could be forecasting that the game results by athletes' satisfaction in the 27th National Youth Games as shown in the following equation of standard score:

gif.latex?\hat{Z} = .393 (strategies) + .278 (training and consultants) + .311 (budgeting) + .088 (community participation).

The suggestion from this research were the youth soccer team coach should have leadership in many aspects such as give the training and consultants to athletes, train with democratic leadership which give the opportunity to the athletes to share the opinions for playing format, understand and support to the athletes within problems, give the admires and rewards to athletes. These coach leaderships will support the athletes' success in completions and also appropriated behaviors for the good athletes.

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How to Cite
Sitthichanda, S. (2022). oach Leadership and Athletes’ Satisfaction Related to Athletes’ Performing Behaviors and Game Results in the 27th National Youth Games. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 6(2), 127–138. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/256341
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