Model of the value added of Thailand sports school competition management

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Larothip Indee


The purpose of this rescarch was to investigate the model of the value added of Thailand sports school competition management of the Institute of physical education. The study was devided into 3 steps : 1. To study and analize surrounding conditions of sports school competition management, employing SWOT technique. 2. To formalize the model of value added of Thailand sports school competition management, utilizing Delphi Technique for validation and 3. To verify the suitability and feasibility of the

extablished model, using focus group discussion.

The purposive sampling employed to collect the targets samples. They were 115 experts who were directly related to the study. The research was a mixed methods consisted of the qualitative and quantitative.

The collected data were analyzed in terms of means, standard deviations, medians, interquartile ranges and index of congruence (IOC)

The research were as follows : The model of value added of Thailand sports school competition management consisted of 6 important aspects as to :

  1. In management competition aspect, it should be value added and standardized from the nation to international level.

  2. In financial aspect, the budget was provided from the government sectors, private sectors and individual support.

  3. In public relations aspect, it concerned all over networks included the provincial level and the nation level. The public relations should be carried over the year, both before and during the competition.

  4. In organizing students and people participation and cooperation, students and people in the local and nation levels were asked to volunteer in the competition, responsible job and cheering squad.

  5. In personnel recruitment aspect, personnel staff responsible for competition organizing should be experts having high qualification in both working proficiency and language.

  6. In raising competition management level, the sports school management competition should raise to ASEAN level with high international standard. National teams in ASEAN should be invited to participate in the competition. The event would attract interest of media, supporter and all people in ASEAN community.

The validating with Delphi Technique are model of the value added to of Thailand sports school competition management, it was found that the median is 4.86 and the quartile range was 0.76. For the verification of suitability and feasibility of the model, the discussion group of qualified opinion states that the model is appropriate and possible adoption process to adding value and reducing costs to increase benefits and reduce costs. The increasing benefits for 6 aspects, an average consensus of opinions (IOC) was equal to 0.70

The model of the value added of Thailand sports school competition management can be applied to practical. Suggestions : The Institute of Physical Education, Ministry of Tourism and Sports should adopt the model of the value added of Thailand sports school competition management. The researchers of this study deployed 6 achieved values in the management of school athletic and sportsmanship with the maximum benefit.

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How to Cite
Indee, L. (2022). Model of the value added of Thailand sports school competition management. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 6(3), 17–32. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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