Exercise behaviors of pupils in Krabi province

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Kongkiat Cheiychom



The purpose of this study aimed to study exercise behavior and relationship between personal characteristics and exercise behaviors of pupils in Krabi province. The population of this study was pupils from 221 schools in Krabi province, totaling 39,472 people. The sample size of this research was determined using the formula of the Yamane at the tolerance level of + 5%—totaling 494 people. Instruments used in this research were open-ended and five-scales rating questionnaires. The questionnaires were considerate for content validity and reliability utilizing the Cronbach's coefficient alpha with the equivalence of 0.96.

Percentage distribution was applied for determining the general individual data, descriptive statistics for evaluating exercise behavior and Pearson Chi-square for testing relationship between personal characteristics and exercise behavior of the pupils in Krabi province.

Summary of findings

  1. Most of the population in this study were females, studying primary school in grade 1, their parents were farmers. The pupils though that people need to exercise regularly, and that exercise was very important for health, very easy to practice, needed not much time, contained lot of fun at a high level. Also, they believed that there was no other activity substituting exercise at a moderate level.

  2. There was no relationship between gender and exercise behavior. As well, there was no relationship between grade levels and exercise behavior in the lights of attitudes and knowledge about exercise. Also, there was no relationship between occupations of the parents and exercise behavior in the lights of attitudes, exercise benefits perceiving and knowledge about exercise and obstacles in exercise.

  3. There was relationship between grade levels of the pupils and exercise behaviors in the lights of exercise benefits perceiving, how of exercise and obstacles in exercise at a significance level of .05.

  4. There was relationship between occupations of the parents and exercise behaviors in the lights of knowledge about exercise, and how of exercise at a significance level of .05.

Article Details

How to Cite
Cheiychom, K. . (2022). Exercise behaviors of pupils in Krabi province. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 7(1), 29–38. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/256410
Research Articles


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