Participatory Learning Process in Environmental Management to Reduce Smoke Pollution from Burning in Baan-kuan Community, Harnkwaew Sub-district, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province

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Thanikaporn Wongwatcharaumpan


The primary purpose of this study was aimed to examine the participatory learning process in environmental management to reduce smoke pollution emitted from burning that affects health, Ban Kaun Community, Hankaew, Hang Dong, Chiang Mai. The sample included those concerned people, consisting of community leaders, entrepreneurs in the community,and community representatives in the village, health volunteers, and staffs from Hankaew health promoting hospital, Chiang Mai. In this study, the Participatory Learning: PL was applied to analyze the problem, priority of the problem, find out the solutions, and reduce smoke pollution that has affected to people's health. For data collection, the researcher collected qualitative data through the use of spreadsheet of the group process, a summary on Mind Mapping, and audio recorder. Data was presented in composition format.

  1. The causes of smoke pollution that aggravate the amount of the smog included as follows; people mainly use firewood to cook a meal, burning wood chips, leaves, trash, plastic scraps, burning straw to prepare agricultural plots, incineration of plastic instead of the use of black garbage bags for disposal, using motorcycles and cars as vehicles that cause the smoke, the way of life in the community which most are likely to be a potter; burning clay pots is needed steadily, in addition; the community also have

ork factories and meatballs factories which is another source of smog pollution, smoke of various grilled and toxic fumes, smoke from the engine and motorcycles.

  1. Smoke pollution's effect from burning that affect to people's health, family and Ban Kaun community; 1) effect on health; respiratory effects such as difficulty breathing, sore throat, allergies, asthma, lung cancer, acute disease, heart disease, and cardiovascular disease, and adverse effect on pregnant women, 2) effect on mental health, causing irritation, 3) effect on economy and tourism, causing the reduced number of tourists and economic stagnation, and 4 ) effect on community life, causing air pollution and global warming.

  2. Regarding to self care and community health care of the smoke pollution from burning, it found that 1) Personal health care : avoid to stay near high level of smoke pollution area, use a mask or a sanitary mask to prevent toxic fumes, daily exercise for good health, eating entire 5 nutrient groups regularly, take care of the family members health, if occurred symptoms such as burning eyes , respiratory system disorder or illness, see a doctor. 2 ) community health care : including community campaign to reduce burning, broadcasting a ban on the incineration in the community, raise awareness in the community to stop the burning.

  3. The environmental management in Ban Kuan community for prevent and reduce smoke pollution that affect health, it found that : The participant needs to invite the lectural to lecture for the problems, knowledge and effects to health from the smoke pollution, the participation of the people to reduce burning, separate the garbage for recycle, use of bicycles instead of motorcycles and reforestation

  4. Results of participatory learning process in environmental management : the participants request for 1) The compost from agricultural waste project, 2) The recycled waste purchase Project, 3) Kiln pottery preparation project and 4) Incinerators reducing smoke pollution project. The projects under the current implementation include compost from agricultural waste, and recycled waste purchase project. For Kiln Pottery preparation project and the incinerators reducing smoke pollution project, the agencies involved include Hankaew Municipality, enterprises and public agencies in the area who jointly take responsibility. However, both projects are still in the duration of examination for model and suitability of the area.

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How to Cite
Wongwatcharaumpan, T. (2022). Participatory Learning Process in Environmental Management to Reduce Smoke Pollution from Burning in Baan-kuan Community, Harnkwaew Sub-district, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 7(1), 69–84. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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