An Information Model for Supporting Cultural Tourism Through the Participation of Mekong River Basin Communities

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Monoch Chabra


The objectives of this research were to determine (1) the cultural contexts, traditions, and lifestyles for tourism and (2) the need for an information model to develop cultural tourism in Wiang Sub-district, Chiang Khong District, Chiangrai Province. The sample group in this study was composed of 110 Thai and foreign tourists visiting Chiang Khong District. The participants for the focus group discussions were selected by the purposive sampling method, consisting of 15 stakeholders in tourism in the area. The tools used were questionnaires on “Factors Affecting the Need of Using an Information Model to Support Cultural Tourism by Mekong River Basin Communities” and topics for focus group discussions which emphasized the guidelines to develop an information model for cultural tourism. The data from the questionnaires was analyzed by percentages, means, and standard deviations; which were then presented in tables with a descriptive essay. The data collected from focus group discussions was analyzed by content analysis method and presented by a descriptive essay.

The findings have shown that Chiang Khong District has the potential of tourist attractions which can be developed into a quality tourism destination to accommodate tourists. According to the concept of the readiness for tourism (3A's); (1) Attraction

(2) Accessibility (3) Amenities, these included the roads along

Khon Pi Luang, Pha Phra, hot springs, Haad Hin Ngam, Huai Meng Waterfall, and significant cultural tourist attractions such as Tai Lue villages, Tai Lue's Kathina Robe-Offering Ceremony, Wat Phra Kaew, Wat Luang, The Mekong Giant Catfish Ceremony, and The Eat New Rice Ceremony of the Hmong. An appropriate information model to support cultural tourism through the participation of Mekong River Basin Communities would be a map providing details of tourism in the district and a "one stop service” which could provide all the information to meet tourists' needs. The information would include tourism routes, accommodations, restaurants, and costs respectively.

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How to Cite
Chabra, M. (2022). An Information Model for Supporting Cultural Tourism Through the Participation of Mekong River Basin Communities. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 7(1), 131–148. Retrieved from
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