Tourist's Expectation and Satisfaction Toward Eco-Tourism in Pai District, Mae-Hongson

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Nutnaree Samith
Sombat Karnjanakit


Pai district, Mae Hong Son province known as the famous tourism attraction with a beautiful scenery, these strength attract a lot of tourist to experience the nature and Eco-tourism each year. By the way, there were decadence in natural and environment. Therefore Tourism Autority of Thailand had set up the 7 Greens Concept by componant of tourism in each sector as follows: Green Heart, Green Logistics, Green Attraction, Green Community Green Community, Green Activity, Green Service and Green Plus for Eco-tourism.

Purposes The purposes of this research were to study the expectations and sastisfaction of the visitors about eco-tourism in the area of Pai district, Mae Hong Son

ce and to compare the expectations and satisfaction between sex and age of the


Methods Four hundred accidentally samples was selected from Thai tourists who

travelled to Pai district, Mae Hong Son province. Survey research as an instrument and questionnaire were used for data collecting. The statistical analysis was analyzed in term of means, standard deviation, t-test and one-way analysis of variance.

The results showed that:

  1. A study of expectation and satisfaction of tourist toward eco-tourism in Pai district, Mae Hong Son found that expectation of tourist was al a high level but the sastisfaction of tourist was at medium level.

  2. The comparison of tourist expectation and satisfaction was found significantly different between male and female in green communities at 0.05 level.

  3. The comparison of tourist expectation and satisfaction was found significantly different between ages in green communities expectation and found the difference in every satisfaction at 0.05 level.

    Conclusions Tourists traveling to areas of eco-tourism and Pai, Mae Hong Son province. There were high level of expectations, but the satisfactions level were only medium. Therefore entrepreneur should be managed in accordance with 7 Green concepts for Eco tourism in Pai district Mae-Hongson Province

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How to Cite
Samith, N., & Karnjanakit, S. . (2022). Tourist’s Expectation and Satisfaction Toward Eco-Tourism in Pai District, Mae-Hongson. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 7(1), 163–180. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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