Causal Relationship Model of Management Processes Affecting the Effectiveness of Sport Association of Thailand

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Kriengkrai Rodpanya
Santipong Prungsuwan
Nopporn Tasnaina
Poonpong Suksawang


The purpose of this research was to examine the management processes affecting the effectiveness of sport association of Thailand in order to construct and verify the consistency of causal relationship model of these processes affecting the effectiveness of sport association of Thailand using empirical cata The sample consisted of 479 administrators of sport association of Thailand, stakeholders and Thai national athletes. The research instrument in this study was a questionnaire asking the causal relationship model of management processes affecting the effectiveness of sport association of Thailand. The descriptive analysis was done through software package computer program. The construct validity and model structural relationship were tested by LISREL 8.54

The findings were revealed that causal relationship model of management processes affecting the effectiveness of sport association of Thailand showed congruity with empirical data and accepted. The management processes affecting the effectiveness of sport association of Thailand the most was administrators of sport association of

ling or implementing. This was followed by administrators of sport association of Thailand controlling, organizing, and planning. These could predict the effectiveness of sport association of Thailand by 79.80 percent with statistical significance at .01 levels. Management processes were directly affected the effectiveness of sport association of Thailand were administrators of sport association of Thailand leading or implementing

Also, the result of the study showed that there were three indirect effects of management processes affected the effectiveness of sport association of Thailand. It was found that the planning of administrators of sport association of Thailand indirect affected the effectiveness of sport association of Thailand through organizing, controlling, and leading or implementing of administrators of sport association of Thailand. In addition, it was showed that the organizing of administrators of sport association of Thailand had an indirect effect on the effectiveness of sport association of Thailand through controlling, and leading or implementing of administrators of sport association of Thailand. Finally, the controlling of administrators of sport association of Thailand influenced the effectiveness of sport association of Thailand through leading or implementing of administrators of sport association of Thailand.

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How to Cite
Rodpanya, K., Prungsuwan, S., Tasnaina, N. ., & Suksawang, P. (2022). Causal Relationship Model of Management Processes Affecting the Effectiveness of Sport Association of Thailand. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 7(2), 29–48. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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