Comparisons of Physical Fitness to the Students of Institute of Physical Education Mahasarakhom on the Different Training Programs

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Pichaiphusit Tepparaj


The purpose of this research is to 1) to compare the physical fitness within the group of students trained with different training programs the results pre - test of after the 4th and 8th weeks of training, 2) to compare the physical performance between groups of students trained with different training programs the results pre - test of after the 4th and 8th weeks of training. The study sample consisted of 30 students studying in the academic year 2012 at Undergraduates Institute of Physical Education Mahasarakhom. The lottery to an experimental group and a control group of 15 percent was used in the study program of physical fitness training on 2 program fitness test. The testing strength of the leg muscles. The strength of the arm muscles Agility, flexibility, strength, muscular legs and endurance of the muscles. The findings were as follow :

  1. The physical fitness test results of the test before the training with different training programs the results pre - test of after the 4th and 8th weeks of training showed muscle power and strength of the leg muscles no significance. The strength of the abdominal muscles Agility, flexibility and endurance of the muscles. The physical fitness test before the training with different training programs the results pre-test of after the 4th and 8th weeks of training were significance at .05 level

  2. The physical fitness test results of the control group before the training with different training programs the results pre- test of after the 4th and 8th weeks of training showed that the strength of the leg muscles. The strength of the arm muscles Agility, flexibility, strength, muscular legs. And endurance of the muscles no significance.
    1. The physical fitness test before training between the experimental and control groups the strength of the leg muscles. The strength of the arm muscles Agility, flexibility, strength, muscular legs. And endurance of the muscles no significance.

    2. The fitness test after training the 4th between the treatment and control groups the strength of the leg muscles. The strength of the arm muscles Agility, flexibility, strength, muscular legs. And endurance of the muscles no significance.

    3. The fitness test after training the gth weeks between the treatment and control groups the strength of the leg muscles. The strength of the arm muscles Agility, flexibility, strength, muscular legs. And endurance of the muscles no significance. The flexibility were significance at .05 level

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How to Cite
Tepparaj, P. (2015). Comparisons of Physical Fitness to the Students of Institute of Physical Education Mahasarakhom on the Different Training Programs. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 7(3), 23–34. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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