Tourism Management Administration of Chiang Khong District as Border District

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Chayuth Jitdamrongsunthorn


The objective of this research were 1) to study on tourism context of Chiang Kong District before and after using the 4th Thai - Lao friendship bridge for developing tourism strategies 2) to present Chiang Kong District tourism models. The data collection by surveying, interview, mini group discussion and questionnaires. There were samples: government officials, private section, tourism entrepreneurs and tourist 424 persons. Data analyzed by quantitative statistic percentage, S.D. and descriptive statistics.

From the study, it was found that 1) Chiang Kong District has potential of tourist attractions but there are lack of development only Tai Lue culture is outstanding. Besides, when the 4th Thai - Lao friendship bridge opened the border tourism crossing from Buck Pier to Huayxai continuing to Luang Phrabang and Xisuang Banna (Jinghong) are convenient and develop the economics both sides . Chinese tourists prefer to drive their own car passing through R3A for take a trip in Thailand. 2) Chiang Kong District Tourism strategies 2558-2561 focus the important to the upper GMS countries cooperation and develop the tourist attractions like the big catfish symbol, border market under the context of "Chiang Kong District one city two models" 3) Linked tourism model is appropriate to connect Chiang Kong District by using Tai Lue culture based and Huayxai, Luang Namtha of Lao PDR. Muang La and Xisuang Banna of South China. These are the reasons to make Chiang Kong District is the first gateway of upper greater Mekong sub region.

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How to Cite
Jitdamrongsunthorn, C. (2015). Tourism Management Administration of Chiang Khong District as Border District. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 7(3), 77–88. Retrieved from
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