Development a Model of Internal Supervision with Lesson Study

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Noppornpan YanKomuth
Chairat Pranee
Siripo Panawong


The purpose of this research was to build and develop a model of internal supervision based on an approach of lesson study. The research was conducted through techniques of connoisseurship. After analyzing all data and information, the results are indicated as listed below:

  1. The developed model was designed using the theory analysis of the development of Whole School Approach, the concept of internal supervision, and the concept of Lesson Study. The model consisted of four components including the principles of the model, the purpose of the supervision process model and the evaluation model.

  2. The results of the model inspection were obtained by using the technique of connoisseurship with 9 experts. As a result of the comments and suggestions agreed to by the experts and the researcher found that; the developed model was appropriate, but it should be improved and modified in the following; 1) the principles contained in the model should be written clearly and comprehensively; 2) the purpose of the model should be written in accordance with the principles and concepts of the study; 3) the supervision process and activities for implementation should not be redundant, but instead clear and easy to follow, and 4) the evaluation should be covered in all aspects and objectives.

  3. The construction of the evaluation form was evaluated by five qualified experts in order to evaluate the quality of the model through the IOC analysis whether or not it was accurate, appropriate and feasible in practice. The result of the evaluation indicated that all qualifying criteria had been met

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How to Cite
YanKomuth, N., Pranee, C., & Panawong, S. (2015). Development a Model of Internal Supervision with Lesson Study. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 7(3), 123–138. Retrieved from
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