Comparison of Plyometric Training and Weight Training Programs on the Ability of Standing Broad Jump Atpre-Cadet Center

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Atsadang Paliwanit
Paiboon Srichaisawat
Thongchai Charoensubmanee


This study was intended to find Comparison of Plyometric Training and Weight Training Programs on The Ability of Standing Broad Jump at Pre-Cadet Center. The subjects of 40 were purposively sampled from Pre-Cadet Center School. They were divided into 2 equal groups of 20 each for the (Group 1) Plyometric Training program, and the Group 2) Weight Training program. The programs of training set up for 8 weeks. They are trained 1 hour a day and 3 day a week. The testing is in 4,6 and 8. The test are pre and post training, Standing Broad jump. The results of testing can be used to define mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and One-way Analysis of Variance with repeated by Bonferroni's Method.

The result found that

  1. The mean and standard deviation of standing Broad jump of the two groups before and after training for weeks 4, 6 and 8 of Plyometric Training program 209.55 10.45, 212.25 + 11.00, 214.15 + 11.07, 216.30 + 10.63 and Weight Training program 209.55 + 10.28, 211.60 + 10.59, 215.00 + 10.96, 219.70 + 10.20 respectively.

  2. The means and standard deviation of the 2 group were not significantly different after 4, 6, and 8 weeks of training.

  3. The means and standard deviation before training and after 4, 6, and 8 weeks of training were significantly different for each group at .05

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How to Cite
Paliwanit, A., Srichaisawat, P. ., & Charoensubmanee, T. (2015). Comparison of Plyometric Training and Weight Training Programs on the Ability of Standing Broad Jump Atpre-Cadet Center. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 7(3), 149–158. Retrieved from
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