Health-Related Physical Fitness Age 16-18 Years Old Students In Yannawatewittayakom School In Academic Year 2014

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Amornrat Kummanee
Paiboon Srichaisawat
Thongchai Charoensubmanee


The purpose of this study aimed to investigate to Health-Related Physical fitness age 16-18 years old students in yannawatewittayakom school in academic year 2014. The subjects of 600 students, by Non-proportional Stratified Random Sampling were 300 male and 300 female. The instrument in this research was Health-Related Physical Fitness test for Thai Students, age 7-18 years old including 7 items which were Body Mass Index (BMI), Skinfold Thickness, Sit-ups 60 seconds, Push-Ups 30 seconds, Sit and Reach, Zig-Zag Run and Distance Run. The data were analyzed by means and standard deviations.

The results were as follows:

  1. Health-Related Physical fitness of male age 16-18 years of majority in moderate level except physical fitness in the item of Zig-Zag Run in lowest level.

  2. Health-Related Physical fitness of female age 16 years of majority in low level except physical fitness in the item of Body Mass Index (BMI) in appropriately, 17-18 years of majority in low level except physical fitness in the item of Distance Run in moderate level.

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How to Cite
Kummanee, A., Srichaisawat, P. ., & Charoensubmanee, T. (2015). Health-Related Physical Fitness Age 16-18 Years Old Students In Yannawatewittayakom School In Academic Year 2014. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 7(3), 173–182. Retrieved from
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