Health-Related Physical Fitness of Age 10-12 Years old Students Private School Saunlaung Districk in Academic Year 2014

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Krittaya Srisapa
Paiboon Srichaisawat
Thongchai Charoensubmanee


This research aimed to investigate level of physical fitness related to 10-12-year students' health at private school under the Commission of Private Education, Khet Suan Laungin 2014. The subjects consisted of 600 students at private school under the Commission of Private Education, Khet Suan Laung with 10-12 years old, through stratified random sampling. They were divided into 300 male and female students in each. The research instrument included test and physical fitness criteria related to health for 7-18 -year Thai youth. Then Data were analyzed and presented by mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage.

The results revealed as follows:

  1. Body Mass Indexof 10–12 year male and female students were 19.73, 18.30, 19.79, 18.58, 19.91, and 18.07 kilograms per square meters, respectively. They were at appropriate criteria.

  2. Percentage of accumulated fat of 11-12 year male and female students were at 16.95, 16.49, 16.84, and 16.87, respectively. They were at good shape, except those of 10 year male and female students were at15.49 and 14.69. They were at skinny shape.
    1. Level with 5 tests of physical fitness, it was found that;

    3.1 Level of strength and endurance on abdominal muscle from 60- second test of 10-12 year male and female students were at a moderate level 75.00, 75.00, 83.00, 71.00, 71.00, and 84.00 percentages, respectively.

    3.2 Level of strength and endurance on arm muscle from 30- second push ups test of 10-11-12 year male and female students were at amoderate level 75.00, 76.00, 74.00, 78.00, 74.00, and 77.00 percentages, respectively.

    3.3 Level of flexibility from Trunk forward flexion test of 10 - 11- 12 year male and female students were at amoderate level 80.00, 75.00, 71.00, 68.00, 64.00, and 61.00 percentages, respectively.

    3.4 Level of agility from Flax race test of 10-11-12 year male and female students were at a moderate level 68.00, 52.00, 83.00, 84.00, 81.00, and 67.00 percentages, respectively.

    3.5 Level of endurance on respiratory system and circulatory system from Long distance run test of 10-12 year male and female students were at a moderate level 54.00, 47.00, 45.00, 45.00, 44.00, and 61.00 percentages, respectively.

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How to Cite
Srisapa, K., Srichaisawat, P. ., & Charoensubmanee, T. (2015). Health-Related Physical Fitness of Age 10-12 Years old Students Private School Saunlaung Districk in Academic Year 2014. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 7(3), 183–196. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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