The development model in research conduction competency for faculty of Physical Education Institute in the north

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Jaturong Hemara
Anuwat Panyanuwat


This research is for educational research and development and has the objectives (1) to develop a model for developing personnel's competency in the Physical Education Institutes in the North, and (2) to study the effectiveness of the model for developing personnel's competency for conducting research in the Physical Education Institutes in the North. The study population are some experts, administrators, and faculty of Physical Education Institutes in the North. The data is collection by study documents, explore and experiment. The statistics used for data analysis are the percentage, means, standard deviations and the T-test statistics.

The research found that . First, the researcher develops the model for developing the competency on research conduction of the faculty of Physical Education Institutes in the North which composed of three components. These are the component on input, component on process, and component on driven mechanics. Second, from the tests on the effectiveness of the model, the findings reveal that the faculty of Physical Education Institutes in the North reach scores on knowledge and attitude toward research conduction higher on the post-test treatment (after the training) than those before the training. They also have the levels of skill on research conduction higher than the identified criteria.

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How to Cite
Hemara, J. ., & Panyanuwat, A. (2016). The development model in research conduction competency for faculty of Physical Education Institute in the north. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 8(1), 31–48. Retrieved from
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