The Construction of Course Standard for Principles and Methods of Teaching Soccer

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Wichan Mawinthorn
Kornrawee Boonchai
Jiraporn Sritawee


The objectives of this research were to construct course standard and the performancebased assessment for the course of principles and methods of teaching soccer. Subjects were 42 physical education students, selecting by purposive sampling method, that enrolled in

es and methods of teaching soccer course in the first semester of 2013. The research instruments used were: 1) Questionnaire in form of rating scales; 2) Lesson plan; 3) Performancebased assessment form, and 4) Attitude questionnaire. Qualitative data were analyze by using content analysis. Percentage and mean were analyzed for numerical data.

The results were as follows: 1. Course standards for the course of principles and methods of teaching soccer consist of: a good attitude towards the profession, moral and ethics expression, and aware of their roles and responsibilities. 2. Having a better knowledge and understanding of soccer. 3. Application of basic skills and sport skills effectively. 4. Have Student-center approach for learning management, and assessment of learning effectively. 

Model of performance-based assessment for the course of principles and methods of teaching soccer consist of 5 steps: 1) Defining topics; 2) Identify course standards, learning objectives, performance standards and indicators. 3) Determining the final work and scoring rubrics. 4) Defining essential knowledge, skills and performance. 5) Learning activities and performance assessment management, and 6) Defining media and learning resources. The implementing of lesson plans showed that most students were informed clearly on scoring rubrics which is used to guide students in developing learning.

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How to Cite
Mawinthorn, W., Boonchai, K., & Sritawee, J. (2022). The Construction of Course Standard for Principles and Methods of Teaching Soccer. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 8(1), 79–94. Retrieved from
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