Scoring Rubrics Construction of Judo Skill for Undergraduate Students of Kasetsart University
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The purpose of this research was to construct the scoring rubrics of Judo skills for Kasetsart University students. The scoring rubrics of Judo skills, include 3 skills: 1) Falling skills (Ukemi-Waza) of 14 techniques, 2) Throwing skills (Nage-Waza) of 4 techniques and
3) Holding skills (Osae-Waza) of 3 techniques. The 21 total techniques rubrics were constructed by the researcher. Content validity, the index of consistency of Rovinelli and
Hambleton, was assessed by five experts. Twenty participants performed and were recorded on video clips and within one week participants were retested. For test-retest reliability, the Pearson product moments correlation was reported.
This research finding showed that the scoring rubrics of Judo skills had content validity (IOC = 0.86-1.00) and had good to excellent reliability In conclusion, the scoring rubrics of judo skills for Kasetsart University students are adequately valid and reliable for assessing Judo skills for undergraduate students of Kasetsart University.
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