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Thitinan Poolsin
Saovapa Kittisathorn
Suriyan Hua Hin
Rapee Laeleemeen


The research aimed to study the perceptions and expectations of stakeholders towards in sports management internship under the Covid 19 situation Faculty of Liberal Arts Thailand National Sports University, Southern Regions. The data collected had been divided into two phases: the first phase included 36 people who were instructors and entrepreneurs doing online group discussion, the second group was 54 of the fourth-year students in sport management program doing online questionnaire. The results were the perceptions of stakeholders towards internship students were 1) applied principles, concepts, theories to increase professional,
2) working with others under responsibilities, honest, initiative, creativity with job development, 3) being able to analyze thinking, research and integrated knowledge to increase work efficiency and 4) using technology appropriately.

The actual perception that students expect was listening and speaking skills, got knowledge according to internship, professional experience and invent sports innovations, Photoshop program, searching the information with technology, operating with responsibilities, honest, integrity, initiative, morality, ethics and common sense, as well as having a good personality, good manners and respect discipline and social rules. In summary, the two groups of stakeholders had perceptions and expectations of the field experience learning outcomes standard in 4 aspects; ability to apply the principles, concepts, theories, ability to analyze thinking, research and integrate, ability to use technology, human relations and responsibility. It was higher than perceived and they didn’t expect for the field experience learning outcomes standards. The results will be as guideline for relevant both internal and external organizations in the current situation and curriculum development according to learning outcome of the Higher Education Qualification Standards 2022.

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How to Cite
Poolsin, T., Kittisathorn, S. ., Hua Hin, S. ., & Laeleemeen , R. . (2024). A STUDY OF THE PERCEPTIONS AND EXPECTATIONS OF STAKEHOLDERS TOWARDS IN SPORTS MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP UNDER THE COVID 19 SITUATION FACULTY OF LIBERAL ARTS THAILAND NATIONAL SPORTS UNIVERSITY, SOUTHERN REGIONS. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 16(1), 137–150. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/262206
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