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Pairot Swangpai
Wassana Mungwicha
Anek Suamongkol
Jiramet Thanakulthiroj


The purpose of this study was to collect data of local sports of the eastern region as reference sources. This study was qualitative research by collecting data from surveys and field studies. The information was collected from documents, records and interviews with knowledgeable people and local intellectuals. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. The samples used in this study were selected from three groups of people by using purposive sampling: 1) a group of 350 knowledgeable people, 2) a group of 70 government officials, and 3) a general group of 70 people who preserved local sports. The total samples were 490 people, and most of them aged between 51 to 60 years old.

The results were found below.

1) There are 78 types of local sports in the eastern region that are still being played until today, and 61 sports are being played the same in every province.

2) The local sports in the eastern region originated from the idea of ancestors. It was based on the concept of imitating lifestyles, animals or nature, local appliances and daily occupations.

3) The local sports of the eastern region were very popular on Songkran Day, or Thai New Year's Day.

4) The local sports of the eastern region were played in all age groups. Some types of sports were varyingly popular according to gender and age.

5) The popular places used for playing local sports were open places, such as temple courtyards, rice fields, or schools. Moreover, some sports had to rely on rivers, canals, or seashores.

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How to Cite
Swangpai, P., Mungwicha, W. ., Suamongkol, A., & Thanakulthiroj, J. . (2024). STUDY OF LOCAL SPORTS OF THE EASTERN REGION. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 16(2), 157–168. Retrieved from
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