Effectiveness of Thai Royal Massage Therapy Combined with Herbal Compress in Office Syndrome Patients with Neck Pain, Kapho Hospital, Pattani Province
Background: Based on the database of Kapho Hospital has people receiving treatment for office syndrome, there were 131 people in 2019, 162 people in 2020, and 201 people in 2021.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the degree of neck movement and the level of neck pain before and after treatment among the group that received Thai royal massage therapy combined with herbal compression.
Research Methodology: The sample group consisted of 60 office syndrome patients who received services in the outpatient department at Kapho Hospital. The patients were splitted into two groups(30 patients for the experimental group, and 30 patients for the control group). The research instruments for data collection were the general information questionnaire, neck movement assessment, and neck pain level measurement. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, and standard deviation to compare the differences between mean scores within a group, and compare the differences in mean scores between groups by the Wilcoxon signed range test by using the STATA version 12 package.
Discussion and Results: The results showed that the group that was treated with Thai royal massage therapy combined with an herbal compression received the neck movement measurement before-after, 10 minutes of neck and shoulder stretching, 45 minutes of Thai royal massage therapy, 15 minutes of applying herbal compresses to the shoulders and neck area, and 3 times follow-up treatment results with appointments every other day. There were mainly female (73.3%), 49.8% of average age between 31 - 40 years. 20.3% were government service/state enterprise employees. The major cause of neck pain (40.6%) was due to work postures for a long period. 70% medications had no underlying disease, and 63.3% had pain relief by taking.
Conclusion: The degree of movement for the neck after treatment increases, and the level of pain and stiffness in the neck reduces significantly.
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