The Study of Comparison Self-compression and Standard Techniques of Mammogram at Bangkok Phuket Hospital


  • Prapeephan Tirasoontorn Imaging Department, Bangkok Hospital Phuket
  • Sangrawee Sringam Imaging Department, Bangkok Hospital Phuket
  • Supannika Poonthananiwatkul Quality Center, Bangkok Hospital Phuket
  • Unchalee Prasertsri Quality Center, Bangkok Hospital Phuket


Self-compression, Standard Techniques, Mammogram


Background: Some Female employees at Bangkok Phuket Hospital who opted not to undergo mammogram examinations. Fear and pain emerge as notable factors influencing this decision-making process.

Objective: The primary objective of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of pain levels, anxiety, satisfaction, and the time required for mammogram examinations between two groups: one utilizing self-administered breast pressure control techniques (control group) and the other following standard techniques (experimental group).

Material and methods: The research was conducted with a pool of 440 female employees aged 35 and above, using specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. Participants were chosen randomly through lottery sampling and invited to join the research after receiving information about the research procedures from the ethics committee.

Result: 1. Pain levels in the control group were reported as mild, whereas the experimental group was statistically non-significant (p-value>0.05). 2. Anxiety levels in the control group were moderate, while the standard technique group were statistically non-significant.  (p-value>0.05). 3.Satisfaction levels in the control group, whereas the experimental group reported a good level that was statistically non-significant (p-value >0.05). 4. The time taken for examinations in the control group and the experimental group were statistically significant (p-value < 0.05).

Conclusion: The comparison of pain, anxiety, and satisfaction levels among patients during mammogram examinations using self-administered breast pressure control techniques versus standard techniques showed no significant differences in pain and anxiety levels. However, the study revealed statistical significance in terms of examination duration, with the experimental group requiring less time. These insights can inform the development of services aimed at creating improved experiences for future service recipients.


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How to Cite

Tirasoontorn P, Sringam S, Poonthananiwatkul S, Prasertsri U. The Study of Comparison Self-compression and Standard Techniques of Mammogram at Bangkok Phuket Hospital. TUHJ [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 11 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];9(1):81-93. Available from:



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