Guide for Authors
Manuscripts must not be considered for publication by another journal. Authors should be ensured that the manuscript is adhered to the guidelines outlined before submitting a manuscript. The corresponding author is responsible for the submission on behalf of all authors. All manuscripts will be examined to detect inappropriate use of previously published material without attribution. The journal has restrictions on the length of manuscripts. The text should be clear, concise and comprehensive English, and full experimental details must be provided in order for the results to be reproduced. During the editorial process, Vajira Medical Journal: Journal of Urban Medicine reserves the right to improve the grammar and style of all manuscripts.
Types of paper
Original Research Article
Research Papers should report the results of original research. The materials and results should not have been previously published elsewhere. Articles are expected to contribute new information or new novels (e.g. novel methods of analysis with added new insights and impacts) to the knowledge base in the field, not just to confirm previously published work.
Full articles should include the following sections: Structured Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgement, and Data Availability Statement. The target length for an original research article is 3,000 words (only main text).
Review Article
A review article summarizes and shows the recent studies on a specific subject to help readers or researchers obtain a comprehensive understanding regarding the subject of interest.
In the review article, the comprehensive understanding of the subject is examined as a hypothesis rather than being investigated. This type of article is concerned with the classification of the research under consideration, the future expectations of research, the final evaluation and comparison of the available strategies, methods, and discussions, which provide a well-organized and comprehensive view. It is not necessary to write all of the related articles, but make sure you cover all of the relevant works.
The review article should include the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Content of review, Conclusion, and Acknowledgement. The target length for review article is 3,500 words (only main text).
Case Report
A case report is an article of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient. Case reports usually describe a unique occurrence of medical progress and provide many new ideas in medicine. Some reports contain an extensive review of the relevant literature on the topic. The case report is a rapid article for clinicians or physicians who may not have time to conduct large-scale research.
The case report should include the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Case report, Discussion, Conclusion, and Acknowledgement. The target length for case report is 2,500 words (only main text).
Prior to your submission, please ensure that your manuscript has been prepared according to the guidelines below.
- Submission method: Manuscript must be submitted through online submission system, which is accessible via
- Cover letter: A cover letter must include name and title of the corresponding author, full address, telephone number, and e-mail address, title and category of the submitted manuscript: original article, review article or case report. The letter should contain the following declared statements that the manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors in terms of the content and accuracy, and that the manuscript has not been previously published or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Download cover letter format here!
- Format of articles and reviews
3.1 General style
- Times New Roman, 12-point font size , double-spacing and justified alignment
- Use a single tab on the first line of each new paragraph
- Do not use page breaks or multiple returns between sections (one section should directly follow the previous one on the page)
- Insert page numbers and line numbers
- Sub-titles and general headings should be presented in lower case letters (not capitals).
- Authors must use “American English” spellings throughout your manuscript.
3.2 Manuscripts: All manuscripts must contain a title page that includes all of the following information
- The title of the manuscript should be in sentence case and should not contain any abbreviation unless they are commonly used.
- Running title should not exceed 60 characters
- Full names and full postal addresses of all authors
- Affiliations of the authors should be indicated by numbers (not symbols)
- Name, full postal address, including street number and name, and e-mail address/ORCID of the corresponding author
- For online submission, corresponding authors and co-authors should register to the ORCID record for your professional information and get credit for your work including for grants application, and in any research workflow. Register online at
Original research articles must contain all of the following sections:
- Abstract:this section should be 250-300 words and does not contain any references. A structured abstract must consist of 4 concise paragraphs under the headings: Objective(s), Methods, Results, and Conclusion(s). The objective(s) reflect(s) the purpose of the study, i.e. the hypothesis that is being tested. The methods should include the study design, setting of the study, the subjects (number and type), the treatment or intervention. The results include the salient outcome (s) of the study. The conclusion(s) state(s) the significant results of the study. Below the English abstract list 3-5 keywords for indexing purposes.
Noted: The abstract for the review article and the case report must be no longer than 250 words, one paragraph, and without any subheadings. There are 3-5 keywords below the English abstract for indexing purposes.
- Introduction: All information provided in this section must be referenced.
- Methods: This section should provide sufficient information to allow the experiments to be repeated and the results to be reproduced by other researchers. For each experiment, all steps should be mentioned with the instruments, the analyses were performed and the reagents and methods used. Any relevant citations must be added.
This section also includes ethical approval for human or animal research (COE/COA number).
Click link for: Ethics approval and consent to participate:
- Results: This section must contain a detailed description of all data presented in the form of a figure or a table. All figures and tables must be cited in the results. The word significant must only be used if the result is statistically significant, and the relevant P-value should be clearly indicated.
- Discussion: This should include a brief summary of the findings and discussion of the present study in light of previous findings. Authors can compare their own findings with those of previous studies or suggest further research on the topic and mention any limitations of the present study.
- Conclusion: the conclusion usually follows the Discussion section, summarizing the importance of the findings and reminding the reader why the work presented in the paper is relevant.
- Conflicts of interest: Authors should declare the conflict of interest.
- Acknowledgements: The acknowledgements are placed in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. List here those individuals who have made substantial contributions to the work reported in the manuscript (e.g., technical help, writing and editing assistance, general support).
- Data availability statement: The data availability statement tells the reader where the research data associated with a paper is available, and under what conditions the data can be accessed.
- References:References should be put after the main text, before any supporting information. The citations in the text, tables, and descriptions should be listed in the order they are reference to in the text using superscript Arabic numbers inside of a period, comma, colon, or semicolon without parentheses. For example, use superscript Arabic numbers before periods1. Use superscript Arabic numbers before commas2, put superscript Arabic numbers before colons3 and semicolons4; except for the abbreviation "et al.", place superscript Arabic outside the period et al.5 References should be formatted in the "Vancouver style".
Published articles |
Hanprasertpong T, Kor-Anantakul O, Suwanrath C, Suntharasaj T, Pruksanusak N, Hanprasertpong J, et al. Subsequent gestational diabetes mellitus prediction in advanced maternal age using amniotic fluid glucose concentration during second trimester genetic amniocentesis. J Obstet Gynaecol 2016;36(6):744-7. |
Book | Manson P, Farrar J, Hotez P, Junghanss T. Manson's tropical diseases. 23rd ed. Edinburgh (EDI): Saunders Elsevier; 2014. |
Book chapters
Author of Part, AA. Title of chapter or part. In: Editor A, Editor B, editors. Title: subtitle of book. Edition (if not the first). Place of publication: Publisher; Year. p. page numbers. Aldridge A, Wanless S. Developing healthcare skills through simulation. In: Murray PR, editors. Medical microbiology. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2013. p. 151-62. |
Web References
There is named author Author(s)/Organization. Title of webpage [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of original publication OR Year of Copyright [updated year month day; cited year month day]. Available from: URL. ● National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Antiplatelet treatment: management [internet]. 2018 [updated 2018 Jun; cited 2018 Sep 28]. Available from: There is no named author. ● Bipolar disorder [internet]. [updated 2018 May; cited 2020 Mar 19]. Available from: |
- Supporting information
Authors can submit essential supporting files along with their manuscripts. All supporting information will be subjected to peer review. All file types can be submitted, but files must be smaller than 10 MB in size.
Authors may use any descriptions for supporting data files, with an “S” and a number, for example “Appendix S1” and “Appendix S2,” “Table S1,” and “Table S2.” Supporting information files are not copyedited and will be published exactly as provided. List captions of supporting information should be placed at the end of the manuscript file. Do not submit captions in a separate file.
Supporting information captions:
List supporting information captions at the end of the manuscript file and do not submit captions in a separate file.
The file number and name are required in a caption, and we highly recommend including a title as well.
- Abbreviations:The first time you use an abbreviated phrase, spell it out in full and then include the abbreviation in parentheses. Following this, use only the abbreviation and avoid the use of abbreviations in titles, headings, the abstract, and the reference section.
- Electronic Artwork
Figures and Tables
The electronic artwork is required for an abbreviated summary of the figure specifications. Read the full details of the requirements in the corresponding sections on this page.
File Format |
Resolution |
300 – 600 dpi |
File Size |
<10 MB |
Figure Files
Figure 1.tif, Figure 2.jpeg and so on. Match filename to caption label and citation. |
Figure 1.tif, Figure 2. jpeg, and so on. Match filename to caption label and citation. |
Cite figures in ascending numeric order at first appearance in the manuscript file.
- Make sure you use uniform lettering and sizing of your original artwork.
- Aim to use any one of the following fonts in your illustrations: Times New Roman.
- Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text.
- Use a logical naming convention for your artwork files.
- Provide captions to illustrations separately.
- Size the illustrations should not be bigger than requirement
- Submit each illustration as a separate file which is named correctly as in manuscript.
Please do not:
- Supply files that have a low number of pixels (e.g., GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG);
- Supply files that are too low in resolution;
- Submit graphics files larger than limitation.
Figure Captions
Ensure that each illustration has a caption. Supply captions separately, not attached to the figure. A caption should comprise a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the illustration. Keep text in the illustrations themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used.
- A figure label with Arabic numerals, and Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 and so on are accepted their writing form. Match the label of your figure with the name of the file uploaded at submission •The caption may also include a legend as needed. Text for Figures captions is Arial, Times, or Symbol font only in 8-12 points. The caption may also include a legend as needed.
Cite tables in ascending numeric order upon first appearance in the manuscript file. Submit tables and its caption as a separate file which is named correctly as in manuscript. (do not put table in the manuscript but put it after references (if any))
Tables require a label (e.g., “Table 1”) and brief descriptive title to be placed above the table. Place legends, footnotes, and other text below the table.
Note: For manuscripts submitted to the journal, there is generally a limit of up to 6 combined figures and tables per article. Any extra figures and tables could potentially be included as supplementary material for online publication only.
- Reviewer suggestions
We ask authors to suggest suitable editors and at least two potential reviewers when submitting their manuscript. Bear in mind any potential competing interests when making these suggestions. It is not appropriate to suggest recent collaborators or other researchers at your institution. Download reviewer suggestion format here!
- A copyright transfer
A copyright transfer is an agreement in which the authors transfer or assign the copyright to the journal's owner and publisher.
Transferring the copyright allows us to:
- effectively manipulate, publish, and make your article available to readers and academic institutions.
- act as a supervisor of your articles as they appear in the scholarly record.
- handle reuse requests on your behalf.
- will take appropriate action if your article is infringed or plagiarized.
- increase the visibility of your work via third parties.
After the copyright has been transferred, the authors will still be entitled to:
- be credited as the author of the article.
- make printed copies of your articles for use in lectures or classes you lead on a non-commercial basis.
- share your article using your free e-prints with friends, colleagues, and other people who would like to read your work.
- include your article in your thesis or dissertation.
- present your article at a meeting or conference and distribute printed copies of the article on a non-commercial basis.
- post your original manuscript or accepted manuscript on a departmental, personal website, or institutional repository.
Download a copyright transfer format here!
- Submission Checklist: The following checklists will be useful during the final checking of an article prior to sending it to the journal for review. Download submission checklist here!
Publication Charge
There are no charges to submit and publish all types of articles in the journal.
Publication process