Aims & Scope

Vajira Medical Journal: Journal of Urban Medicine (Vajira Med J) is the official medical journal of the Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University.

It is a journal on medicine (especially urban medicine) and health science. This journal is dedicated to diseases and issues in order to improve the health and prosperity of all urban populations. The aim of this journal is to encourage authors to publish their experimental, theoretical and empirical researches relating to medicine (especially urban medicine) and health science. The  manuscripts of experimental science research, health science research, technology and innovation will be considered for publication. It publishes original research articles, review articles, research notes, and case reports.

Peer Review process

Vajira Med J, the official journal of the Navamindradhiraj University, is a national, peer-reviewed journal with several screening and assessment processes.  Before any manuscript can be accepted for publication, it is  additionally reviewed and approved by the editor in chief.

Understanding Manuscript submission processes

-Manuscript submitted: The articles  have  received the submission and are conducting an initial editorial assessment and screening before sending to editors.

-With editor: The manuscript has been a procedure for handling manuscripts from editorial board members.

-Under review: The editorial board members have invited peer reviewers to evaluate the submission.

-Required reviews complete: Some or all assigned reviewers have submitted comments and sent them to the authors for revision.

-Decision in process: The editorial board members have drafted a decision, but it has not yet been finalized or sent to the authors.

-Proofread language: The editorial board members and editor in chief have proofread its language and send it back to the author to proof it once more.

Publication Frequency

Vajira Med J  has regularly published 4 issues (6-7 papers/issue) per year.

Publication Charge

There are no charges to submit and publish all types of articles in the journal.

Open Access Policy

Vajira Med J is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that operates under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This license permits for the usage and distribution of content in any medium, provided proper citation of the original work is included. The usage is strictly non-commercial, with no alterations or derivatives allowed, and no additional restrictions are imposed.

Our journal is committed to serving authors, researchers, academic institutions, and the broader community by publishing high-quality articles. We actively encourage and support contributions that facilitate knowledge sharing and the advancement of collective research efforts.

Every article published in open access in Vajira Med J will be readily accessible for all readers. This accessibility allows readers to freely read, download, copy, and view the content, thereby promoting widespread dissemination of valuable research findings.


Funding by Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University

Visit website: Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University