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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Author guidelines

    Author guidelines provide all of the information that you need to submit and publish your manuscript. It explains how to prepare your article for submission. Author Guidelines and Submission Preparation Checklist are found in Vajira Medical Journal: Journal of Urban Medicine website ( https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/VMED/index)

  • Main manuscript

  • Figures as TIFF, JPEG, PNG files

  • Language certificate (non-native speakers of English)

  • Ethic certificate for research involving human (except review article)

  • Cover letter to editors

    This attached file requires authors to write cover letter to editors. Please download, complete the form, and attach it to the submission box.

    Download Cover letter to editors

  • A copyright transfer

    A copyright transfer is an agreement in which the authors transfer or assign the copyright to the journal's owner and publisher. Please download, complete the form, and attach it to the submission box.

    Download A copyright transfer

  • Checklist Guideline

    Before you submit your manuscript, please check the journal checklist guideline to ensure that your manuscript is relevant and in the correct format. Please download, complete the form, and attach it to the submission box.

    Download Checklist Guideline

  • Suggested reviewers’ form for your paper

    This attached file requires authors to suggest at least 2-3 reviewers’ names, who are from other affiliations with authors, considering quality and match submitted articles for the journals. Please download, complete the form, and attach it to the submission box.

    Download Suggested reviewers’ form for your paper

Manuscripts must not be considered for publication by another journal. Authors should be ensured that the manuscript is adhered to the guidelines outlined before submitting a manuscript. The corresponding author is responsible for the submission on behalf of all authors. All manuscripts will be examined to detect inappropriate use of previously published material without attribution. The journal has restrictions on the length of manuscripts. The text should be clear, concise and comprehensive English, and full experimental details must be provided in order for the results to be reproduced. During the editorial process, Vajira Medical Journal: Journal of Urban Medicine reserves the right to improve the grammar and style of all manuscripts.
