Psoriasis Knowledge: A Comparative Study Between Written Handouts and Audiovisual Presentation

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Metavee Boonsiri
Sirikarn Prompongsa
Piyaorn Hussadindra


Objective: Patients with psoriasis know many core facts about their disease, but they do not know a number of facts of psoriasis disease that may be valuable in improving their disease activity. The aim of our study is to compare the efficacy of written handout education with that of audiovisual computerized presentations in educating patients about psoriasis vulgaris.
Methods: Thirty-six psoriasis patients were enrolled. All patients had completed baseline questionnaires to evaluate baseline knowledge of psoriasis. Subjects were then randomized to receive either written handout or to watch audiovisual presentation. After that, patients were asked to complete the same questionnaire immediately after intervention, and also one month later. Statistical analysis was performed by using descriptive analysis to present the number of questions answered correctly and paired T-test to assess the score change from baseline within groups.
Results: Of 36 patients enrolled, their baseline mean knowledge scores are 63.8 and 63.5 out of hundred in audiovisual and handout group respectively (p = 0.872). Knowledge score change immediately post-intervention in audiovisual presentation group was significantly higher than handout group (p < 0.05) and also significant higher in one month follow-up (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: An educational intervention was helpful in improving patients’ knowledge. Audiovisual presentation method had more significant benefit than written handout method in terms of shortand long- term knowledge gains among patients with psoriasis.

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How to Cite
Boonsiri, M., Prompongsa, S., & Hussadindra, P. (2017). Psoriasis Knowledge: A Comparative Study Between Written Handouts and Audiovisual Presentation. Vajira Medical Journal : Journal of Urban Medicine, 60(4), 245–252. retrieved from
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