A Structural Equation Model of Sustainable Hospital Accreditation in the Ministry of Public Health
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Objectives: To study factors and develop an equation model of development and accreditation of hospitals under Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health.
Methods: Data were collected by interviewing 24 hospital directors and key quality coordinators in 12 accredited hospitals. The data were analyzed using content analysis and was given back to 625 representatives to ask their opinions using questionnaires under random sampling. Indexes of Item-objective Congruency were 0.6–1.0 and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.95. The data were then analyzed using Second order Factors Analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).
Results: The study showed 9 impact factors influencing development and accreditation of hospitals under the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health. These included leaders, workforce, surveyors, development and learning, work systems, Hospital Accreditation Institute (Public Organization), customers, Ministry of Public Health and HA standard criteria. After analysis using Second order Factors Analysis of SEM was performed, the 9 factors which influenced hospital accreditation from the most to the least important were as follows: 1) workforces (β=0.882) , 2) work systems (β=0.873) , 3) development and learning (β=0.842) , 4) customers (β=0.814) , 5) Hospital Accreditation Institute (Public Organization) (β=0.777) , 6) HA standard criteria (β=0.724) , 7) leaders (β=0.700) , 8) surveyors (β=0.626) , and 9) Ministry of Public Health (β=0.622) .
Conclusions: The three most important factors affecting the development and accreditation of hospitals were workforce, work systems, and development and learning, There are, however, other related factors supporting quality and development in organizational contexts to sustain successes.
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