Propensity Score Analysis in Health Science Research

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Sirima Mongkolsomlit
Nontiya Homkham


Research in health sciences mainly takes the form of observational studies. The major problem encountered is the management of confounding variables and many covariate variables. This affects the reliability of the data analysis on a number of variables in the model at the same time. Currently, propensity score is a statistical method that is well-known and used increasingly in the design of observational studies. Propensity score has been used to summarize data of several variables as one covariate; the propensity score estimates the probability of covariates based on each individual of received intervention. Furthermore, the propensity score has been used with other analysis techniques such as matching, stratification and regression analysis. The propensity score is not appropriate for poor research or potentially confounding variables. On the other hand, the propensity score is a good tool for good research management.

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How to Cite
Mongkolsomlit, S., & Homkham, N. (2018). Propensity Score Analysis in Health Science Research. Vajira Medical Journal : Journal of Urban Medicine, 62(1), 33–42. retrieved from
Original Articles


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