Postoperative Pain and Healing of Tonsillectomy Wound Using Topical Sucralfate

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Girapong Ungkhara
Sirinan Junthong
Patcharin Bunnag


Objective: Tonsillectomy is a common operative procedure performed for many tonsillar diseases. Among post tonsillectomy morbidities, delayed wound healing, postoperative pain and bleeding are the most important complications. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of sucralfate on postoperative pain and wound healing after tonsillectomy.

Methods: A prospective randomized double-blind study was performed on 36 consecutive patients undergoing tonsillectomy. Sixteen were male, 20 were female, with the mean age of 29.78 ± 11.04 years. All patients were randomly assigned to treatment with ground sucralfate tablet (1 gram) dissolved in 1 ml normal saline solution to make a paste applied to one tonsillar fossa after procedure perioperatively. Pain score was assessed daily from day 0 to day 7 and mucosal coverage was assessed at day 7 postoperatively. Data of both experimental and controlled conditions were recorded and statistically analyzed. Differences between groups in mucosal coverage and pain score were evaluated with paired T-test.

Result: Mucosal coverage was significantly faster in the treatment group for both tonsillar fossae compared to the control group (p = 0.033) with no significant difference in pain score at day 0 to day 7 postoperatively (p > 0.05).

Conclusion: Ground sucralfate tablet has a positive effect in enhancing the healing process in post tonsillectomy wounds. It is easy to use topically, safe, and available locally at low cost. It can be used as an adjunct therapy for post-tonsillectomy patients.

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How to Cite
Ungkhara, G., Junthong, S., & Bunnag, P. (2017). Postoperative Pain and Healing of Tonsillectomy Wound Using Topical Sucralfate. Vajira Medical Journal : Journal of Urban Medicine, 61(4), 257–266. retrieved from
Original Articles


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