Test Analysis with Classical Test Theory (CTT): Finding Item Difficulty and Item Discrimination using SPSS Program

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Sumittra Muangkhoua


Test analysis is important for the test quality, in particular in assessing the difficulty of the test and discrimination of all items. The results of analysis indicate the quality of the test or whether it should be modified. Both values lead to improving the test and course quality. Accessibility to a program of examination analysis may be a limitation. The SPSS statistical program is suitable for use in this analysis for those who have never analyzed or who have started to do it by themselves. As no application is able to analyze the examination test directly, using SPSS is a good way for easy and fast analysis.

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How to Cite
Muangkhoua, S. (2017). Test Analysis with Classical Test Theory (CTT): Finding Item Difficulty and Item Discrimination using SPSS Program. Vajira Medical Journal : Journal of Urban Medicine, 61(4), 291–318. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/VMED/article/view/196119
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