The Development of an Information System in Srisaket Province for Retrieving Patient Referral Data Through the Internet
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Objective: To develop an information system in Sisaket province for retrieving patient referral data through the internet and to evaluate satisfaction towards usage of information system.
Methods: This research was a developmental research. The related information was collected, designed and analyzed to be suitable for the work system. The database was created as well as the information system was developed. The tools used in developing the information system were analyzed and designed by UML, MySQL database program, Visual Studio 2015 express implemented in a web application format. The system and satisfaction towards the use of completed information system were evaluated to make improvement of the system. It was used by health care personnel, physicians, nurses, and staffs related to patient referral and system administrator in the hospitals in Sisaket Province. The system was evaluated in terms of user interface design, program or system, the security of the system, the system implementation.
Results: The information system for patient referral in Sisaket Province was able to work according to the purpose of development. The results of the satisfaction assessment of the information system for patient referral in Sisaket Province in terms of user interface design, program or system, the security of the system and the system implementation were 4.21, 4.04, 4.07 and 4.01, respectively, with standard deviations of 0.45, 0.51, 0.49 and 0.56, respectively.
Conclusion: Based on this research, the development of online information system for patient referral in Sisaket Province could help improve the performance and transmission of the information efficiently. The user satisfaction was evaluated and found to be very satisfied. In order to make more effective system, the manual should be made and the users should be trained to be more knowledgeable about the online information system for patient referral.
Article Details
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