Adverse outcomes in advanced maternal age: A case-control study

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Dennopporn Sudjai
Adjima Soongsatitanon


Objective: To compare pregnancy outcomes between women aged 35 years and older with those under 35 years old.

Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted at Vajira hospital, Navamindradhiraj University from 1 October 2012 to 31 December 2013. Total 896 gravidas whose aged at least 20 years old at delivery were obtained. The study group (n = 448) consisted of women with aged 35 years and older while the control group (n = 448) were those 20-34 years old. Pregnancy outcomes between the two groups were compared including GDM, preeclampsia, placenta previa, preterm birth, operative vaginal delivery, rate of cesarean section (CS), PPH, birth weight, Apgar score at 5 minutes, fetal anomalies and perinatal death.

Results: Data of all 896 women were obtained. The study group had significantly higher risks of GDM, preeclampsia, preterm birth, cesarean delivery and PPH than the control group. The rate of low birth weight and low Apgar score at 5 minutes were different in both groups.

Conclusion: Women with advanced maternal age (AMA) had significantly higher risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes than women aged 20-34. This information may aid the clinicians to aware of adverse outcome in AMA.

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How to Cite
Sudjai, D., & Soongsatitanon, A. (2020). Adverse outcomes in advanced maternal age: A case-control study. Vajira Medical Journal : Journal of Urban Medicine, 64(2), 117–124.
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