Factors associated with selection of smoking cessation methods in smokers, Bangkok

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Prapiwan Danpradit
Boonsri Kittichotpanich
Sudpranorm Smuntavekin


Objective: To study the opinions on selection of smoking cessation methods in smokers and the association between general data and the most selected method of smoking cessation in smokers in Bangkok.

Methods: The samples were the smokers who lived in Bangkok. There were 332 samples selectedby snowballing sampling method. The research tools were the questionnaires constructed by the researchers. The questionnaires consisted of 16 questions of opinions in selection of smoking cessation methods with ‘selected’ and ‘not selected’ answers. Data collection was conducted by self-administered questionnaires. The data were analyzed by percentage and x2-test.

Results: It was found that the opinions on selection of each of the smoking cessation methods in smokers were at moderate and low levels. The three most selected smoking cessation

methods were: 1) Smoking cessation medication (67.1%) 2) Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) in the form of nicotine chewing gum (61.7%) and 3) Sodium nitrate mouthwash (61.1%). The eight factors of age, occupation, income, education levels, marital status , closed people smoked, history of smoking cessation effort and levels of nicotine addiction were associated with the most selected smoking cessation method (smoking cessation medication) with statistical significance at 0.05 and 0.01.

Conclusion: The smokers in Bangkok selected smoking cessation medication as the most smoking cessation method. The factors which were associated with the selection methods were age, occupation, income, education level, marital status, closed people smoked, history of effort to quit smoking and levels of nicotine addiction.

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How to Cite
Danpradit, P., Kittichotpanich, B., & Smuntavekin, S. (2019). Factors associated with selection of smoking cessation methods in smokers, Bangkok. Vajira Medical Journal : Journal of Urban Medicine, 63(5), 357–366. https://doi.org/10.14456/vmj.2019.41
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