Satisfaction of Attending Staffs and Orthopedic Residents after the Changing of the Work-System during Special Situation for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak in Department of Orthopedic, Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University
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Background: Department of Orthopedics Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University has introduced the temporarily new working system consistent with social distancing protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic situation. We would assess the effect of adjusting this system from the corporate perspective such as the attending staffs and residents to estimate satisfaction after implementation. Moreover, the system may be used again in the case of prolong COVID-19 pandemic periods or having a new wave in the future.
Materials and Methods: The organizational survey research was conducted in the Department of Orthopedic, Vajira hospital. Two researchers collected the questionnaire data from the attending staffs and residents in June, 2020 for assessing their satisfaction of the new working system in 3 aspects, operational (12 questions), academic (4 questions), and daily life (4 questions).
Results: 13 attending staffs and 16 residents were recruited in the study. The average satisfaction score was 61.06 (from 80 points). There is no statistically significant difference in terms of the satisfaction score between attending staffs and residents. In terms of the efficacy of the new working system, the resident’s monthly examination results demonstrated that the scores in March and April were 18.56 and 20.25 out of full 40 scores, respectively. The average score was increasing by 1.68 points. However, this increase was no statistically significant difference.
Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic remains widely prevalent and without an antiretroviral medication or effective vaccine. We have introduced a novel working system which was demonstrated an effective scheme for medical personnel. It may serve as a model to use in the case of a long-term prevalence or a new wave of the COVID-19 pandemic occurs.
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