The Outcome of Self-Efficacy Enhancement Program on Knowledge and Confidence in Physical Health Care of the Elderly for the Family Leaders Who were Secondary School Students, Bangkok
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Objective: To study and compare knowledge and confidence in physical health care of the elderly concerning illness symptoms and common diseases for the family leaders who were secondary school students, Bangkok, before and after Self-Efficacy Enhancement Program participation.
Method: The research type was Quasi-experimental research, one group pre-post test design. The samples were secondary school students of Wat Suttharam School, Bangkok, who had the elderly, aged 60-69 years, living in the same houses. Thirty samples were selected by purposive sampling. The research tool was the Modified Program of Self Efficacy Theory (Bandura, 1977). Data were collected from questionnaires for three days. Data were analyzed by percent, mean, standard deviation, and paired t-test.
Results: The family leaders who were secondary school students had an average level of knowledge in physical health care of the elderly before participating in the program. After program participation, they had a good level of knowledge, which was better than the level of knowledge before program participation with statistical significance (p < 0.01). The family leaders who were secondary school students had an average level of confidence in the physical health care of the elderly before participating in the program. After program participation, they had a good level of confidence that was better than confidence before program participation with statistical significance (p < 0.01).
Conclusion: The Self-Efficacy Enhancement Program for family leaders who were secondary school students showed significant improvement of knowledge and confidence in physical health care of the elderly. It could be the model to be implemented in other secondary schools.
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