The Comparison of Flexibility of Right and Left Trunk Muscles

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Chonlada Klinsukont


The Comparison of Flexibility of Right and Left Trunk Muscles

Chonlada Klinsukont  BSc (Physical Therapy)*

*Department of Rehabilitation, BMA Medical College and Vajira Hospital

Objective: 1. To compare the flexibility of right and left trunk muscles.

2. To compare the flexibility of trunk between dominant and non-dominant sides.

Study Design: Descriptive study.

Setting: Physical therapy training room, BMA Medical Collage and Vajira Hospital.

Subjects: All 40 physical therapy and nurse students practiced and visited in Department of Physical Rehabilitation, BMA Medical College and Vajira Hospital during March - May 2005, 37 females, 3 males, aged 20-24 years.

Methods: Each subject was tested by measuring the ability to bend to one side. Both right and left lateral flexion were tested for 3 times in centimeters: height, weight, dominant and dominant side lateral flexion were also recorded.

Main outcome measure: 1. The mean of distance in trunk vending to right and left side.

2.The mean of distance in trunk vending to dominant and non-dominant side.

Result: The flexibility of right and left trunk muscle in undergraduate students are 19.57 + 2.69 cm. and 18.58 + 3.13 cm. respectively (p < 0.05). The flexibility of dominant and non-dominant side in undergraduate students are 19.81 + 2.79 cm. and 18.33 + 2.93 cm. respectively (p < 0.05).

Conclusion: The flexibility of trunk muscles in undergraduate students are more in right than in left side and more in dominant than in non-dominant side.

Key words: flexibility, trunk, muscle power, stretching

Vajira Med J 2005 ; 49 : 103 - 108

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How to Cite
Klinsukont, C. (2011). The Comparison of Flexibility of Right and Left Trunk Muscles. Vajira Medical Journal : Journal of Urban Medicine, 49(2), 103–108. Retrieved from
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