Correlation between Various Factors and Pain in Gynecological Cancer Patients within the First 24 Hours Post-Operation: A Study in an Urban-Based Tertiary Medical Center Impacting Pain Factors in Gynecological Cancer Patients after Surgery

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Kotchakorn Pairat
Surasak Kittikhungovit
Pasukit Niwatkittipon
Kannika Yodaun
Nontawat Benjakul


OBJECTIVE: To investigate various pain factors in patients with gynecological cancer who have undergone different types of elective hysterectomy.
METHODS: In this retrospective study, data on pain assessment were collected from gynecological cancer patients who underwent elective total abdominal hysterectomy or total laparoscopic hysterectomy surgeries (with associated surgery) between January 2019 and December 2022 at Vajira Hospital. The data were gathered starting from 24 hours after the procedures.
RESULTS: The pain assessment was evaluated using the Numerical Rating Scale (ranging from 0 to 10, representing low to severe pain) during the first 24 hours after the surgery. The results revealed that several factors, such as cancer location, prior surgical history, and body weight, influenced the intensity and onset of pain. However, different types of surgery did not have a significant impact on pain assessment. Moreover, patients with cancer lesions in the endometrium experienced an early onset of severe pain. Additionally, patients without previous surgical experience and those who are obese should receive additional attention in terms of pain management.
CONCLUSION: This study sheds light on evidence-based factors that influence pain intensity and/or pain onset, including cancer location, prior surgical history, and body mass index. Understanding these factors can contribute to more effective pain management strategies for gynecological patients’ post-surgery.

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How to Cite
Pairat, K., Kittikhungovit, S., Niwatkittipon, P., Yodaun, K., & Benjakul, N. (2024). Correlation between Various Factors and Pain in Gynecological Cancer Patients within the First 24 Hours Post-Operation: A Study in an Urban-Based Tertiary Medical Center: Impacting Pain Factors in Gynecological Cancer Patients after Surgery. Vajira Medical Journal : Journal of Urban Medicine, 68(2), e265170.
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