Child Abuse under Protection by One Stop Crisis Center: A Case Report

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Siriporn Knianprasert


Child Abuse under Protection by One Stop Crisis Center: A Case Report

Siriporn               Knianprasert     BS

Social Work Unit, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, BMA Medical College and Vajira


A 9-year-old Thai girl has been protected b the services of One Stop Crisis Center (OSCC), BMA Medical College and  Vajira Hospital. She had been physical and emotionally abused by her stepmother. Physical examination revealed scar, contusions and open wounds on her face, head, trunk and extremities. She was admitted  in pediatric  ward for 15 days. Under Children Protection Act B.E.2546, multidisciplinary approach has been done for holistic care. Various problems  were identified and required long-term management  for this girl. These problems consisted of emotion, behavior, family, child care, broken home and education.

Vajira Med J 2006 ; 50 : 47 - 52

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How to Cite
Knianprasert, S. (2011). Child Abuse under Protection by One Stop Crisis Center: A Case Report. Vajira Medical Journal : Journal of Urban Medicine, 50(1), 47–52. Retrieved from
Case Report