Management of Non-deflating Balloon of Foley Catheter

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Wiroj Ruksakul


Management of Non-deflating Balloon of Foley Catheter

Wiroj Ruksakul MD

Department of Surgery, BMA Medical College and Vajira Hospital

Foley catheter is the most common tool for urinary catheterization in medical practice. Its removal is easily achieved after the fluid in the retention balloon is evacuated. However, when the catheter fails to collapse, unexpected sequele may occur upon an attempt to remove it. This article reviewed literatures involving the management of patients whose urinary catheter could not be removed due to balloon problems. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique including the practicability were described. Management algorithm was also constructed to demonstrate an information or guideline for medical personnel with different degree of experiences and in various situations.

Vajira Med J 2008 ; 52 : 275-283

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How to Cite
Ruksakul, W. (2011). Management of Non-deflating Balloon of Foley Catheter. Vajira Medical Journal : Journal of Urban Medicine, 52(3), 275–283. Retrieved from
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