A Study of Correlation of Factors Affecting Cracked Heel Problems; A case study of females aged 40-50 years in Moo 8, Budi Subdistrict, Mueang Yala District, Yala Province


  • นูรรีย๊ะ ล่าเะะเกะ -
  • ฮูดา เจ๊ะแวมาแจ
  • นูฮารีฟา กอเด
  • นูรีตา สาและ
  • นุรลิสา หะยีมามุ


cracked heels, herbal scrub


 The objective of this analytical cross-sectional study was to investigate factors related to the problem of cracked heel in a case study of females aged 40-50 years old in Moo 8, Budi Sub-district, Mueang Yala District.  The study was conducted in a group of 40-50 year old females in Moo 8, Budi Subdistrict, Mueang Yala District, Yala Province, totaling 98 people. The sample size was calculated using Krejcie and Morgan's formula.

 The results of this research indicated as follows:

  1. The sample most of them were 40-50 years old (100%) and most were housewives (33.67%). Most of the samples were married (80.61%), and graduated from secondary school (51.02%). The second group of subjects with cracked heels had obvious but infrequent cracks (80.61%). As for the causes and factors related to the problem of cracked heels, it was found that the samples regularly walked barefoot (39.80%) and regularly wore open-heeled shoes (45.92%) and had worn healthy shoes (53.06%). The sample regularly applied nourishing cream and heel scrub (53.06%) and drank water per day (41.48%) and took a warm shower and hot water bath (51.02%). The sample regularly wore shoes that fastened their heels (41.84%) and found that the subjects had a lack of attention in taking care of your heels (37.76%) and used to lack self-confidence because of cracked heels (41.84%) and the sample group had received treatment for cracked heels (40.82%)
  2. From the hypothesis test with Chi-square statistics, it was found that the variable was statistically correlated with the problem of cracked heel in females aged 40-50 years old, Moo 8, Budi Sub-district, Mueang Yala District, Yala Province with a statistical significance level of  .05 and the level of cracked heel was statistically correlated with the problem of female cracked heel, which found that the subjects (31.63%) tended to have a problem with cracked heel more than other levels.


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