Investigation of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Outbreak in Prison, Eastern Region


  • เวสารัช วรุตมะพงศ์พันธุ์ -


Investigation, pulmonary tuberculosis, prison


This study was retrospective cohort and investigation descriptive study. The secondary data which TB03, National Tuberculosis Information Program and OPD medical record had been retrieved from community hospital. The data were descriptive epidemiology investigation and explanation spreading of pulmonary tuberculosis in prison. Kaplan-Meier and Log rank test were described for estimation living time and analyzed time difference until diagnosed, respectively. Cox's regression and hazard ratio were used for analysis factors which associated with time to successful treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis infection. Cox proportional hazard model used for result interpretation and comparative the factors which associated with survival time. The significant level was designed by p-value < 0.05.

The prisoners who were pulmonary tuberculosis infected had been included in year 2009 and 2014-2022. Total 53 prisoners were infected and the youngest who had been diagnosed were 20 years old. The most of clients were found in zone 7 and most of them were the prisoners who had ever been being lived there. Average area one prisoner of cell was 1:1.5-1.6 square meter or 150-160 cm. X10-15 cm. for sleeping. An investigation was shown mistook diagnosis and delayed, situation of Covid-19 outbreak, not continuously receiving medication and previously infected from outside.

The result was found, since the prisoner had been imprisoned until treatment registration, the overall median survival time was 14 months or 1.2 years (95% CI = 10.9-17.0). In addition, the result found the prisoner (old/new p < 0.001, 95% CI = 4.63-40.43, Adjusted HR = 13.68) and year had become the prisoner (before 2019/after 2019, p = 0.001, 95% CI = 4.16-267.73, Adjusted HR = 33.36). These factors were shown significantly associated with the prisoner treatment outcome. This study could be decided for administration and management to protect spreading of tuberculosis in prison.


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