The development of literacy promotion model of obesity protection in school age children: A case study of Border Patrol Police Khuntabak School


  • วรรณลี ยอดรักษ์ Thaksin university
  • wanlee yodrak
  • อนงค์ ภิบาล


model , health literacy, obesity , school age child


Childhood obesity is a major problem causing chronic non-communicable diseases. A case study of Border Patrol Police Khuntabak School the purpose to develop a model for promoting health literacy to prevent obesity in school-aged children. A case study of Border Patrol Police Khuntabak School consisted of 3 phases. Stage I: Exploring the context of literacy promotion of obesity protection in school age children by qualitative approach collecting data from 24 obesity children by interview. Stage II: Development of literacy promotion model of obesity protection in school age children, the model was first developed by researcher and confirmed the model by 7 experts by IOC technique. Stage III: Evaluating the appropriateness of the model by AGREE II (2017)

The result showed that 1) the context of literacy promotion of obesity protection in obesity school age children included high fat diet, fried, and high-sugar foods as well as snacks; lacking of self-weight control which requiring the assistance of parents and involved parties. 2) literacy promotion model of obesity protection in school age children consisted of (1) knowledge and understanding (2) access to health information and services. (3) communication for expertise, (4) management of the health conditions  (5) media and information literacy (6) correct discrimination decisions. 3) The overall model quality was 89.79% and model suitability for use was 71.42 %.  A model for promoting health literacy to prevent obesity in school-age children enables school-age children to consume food and engage in physical activity correctly.  Prevention obesity in school-aged children in other schools.


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