Implementation of Thung Khao Luang Subdistrict Administrative Organization Health Security Fund by Thung Khao Luang Subdistrict Health Assembly Process Thung Khao Luang District, Roi Et Province


  • Rungrudee Srichaiwan -
  • เทอดศักดิ์ พรหมอารักษ์
  • พัดชา หิรัญวัฒนกุล


health insurance fund, health assembly


  This study is an action research study (Action Research), a type of participatory action research. (Participatory Action Research) aims to study the health assembly process. In operating the Health Insurance Fund, Thung Khao Luang Subdistrict Administrative Organization Thung Khao Luang District Roi Et Province The target groups for the study were 1) the fund management group, 36 people, 2)the network partners participating in the development, 35 people. Quantitative data were collected using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, range, mean and standard deviation. Qualitative data by content analysis. The statistic used to test the hypothesis is Paired t - test.

                   The research results found that the operation of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization Health Insurance Fund using the Thung Khao Luang Subdistrict Health Assembly process. Thung Khao Luang District Roi Et Province this time consists of an 8-step process including 1)studying the area context and analyzing problem conditions 2)holding a workshop 3)defining problem issues. Develop issues and seek consensus 4)Create an action plan 5)Drive the action plan into practice 6)Follow up, support, and evaluate operations 7)Exchange operational learning and 8)Extract lessons, summarize results, problems, obstacles, and results from Use the aforementioned health assembly process. As a result, the target group will manage the fund. There is a level of knowledge, roles, and participation. and satisfaction with the fund's operations Increased to a level of statistical significance at the 0.05 level and network partners participating in the development Have a level of knowledge Participation and satisfaction with the fund's operations Increased to a level of statistical significance at the level of 0.05. Factors of success in the operation of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization Health Insurance Fund using the Thung Khao Luang Subdistrict Health Assembly process this time are 1)teamwork of all sectors (Team work) 2)Knowledge sharing between network partners (Knowledge sharing) 3)Leadership of the President and Permanent Secretary of Thung Khao Luang Subdistrict Administrative Organization (Leadership) is the participation of all networks in the area. jointly develop the process There is communication, exchange, learning and working together. The network of every sector in the community is strong and united. And the leaders of the organization have leadership and give importance to promoting public health. Able to lead a team to develop operational processes to be successful according to goals. As a result, the operating results of the Health Insurance Fund of Thung Khao Luang Subdistrict Administrative Organization Passed the assessment of health insurance fund management and was at the A+ level. It is a fund with high potential. Can be a learning center.


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