Improving restaurant operations to a clean restaurant standard with delicious taste at very good level in Wapipathum subdistrict municipality Wapipathum District Maha Sarakham Province.


  • supawadee satee -
  • วรพจน์ พรหมสัตยพรต
  • จตุพร เหลืองอุบล


development of restaurant operations, clean food, delicious taste, very good level


This research is participatory action research. To develop restaurant operations to meet the standards of clean, delicious food at a very good level in Wapi Pathum Subdistrict Municipality. Wapi Pathum District Maha Sarakham Province With the participation of network partners, which consists of 118 representatives of the public sector, 10 representatives of the academic sector, and 3 representatives of the political sector. The study is divided into 3 parts: (1) Situation Context Study Group is a group of citizens, academic and political sectors, totaling 178 people. (2) Group participating in the development of the model. There were 60 representatives from various sectors and stakeholders. (3) A group that participated in the evaluation of development and success factors, totaling 60 people. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected using questionnaires, interviews, and conversations. Groups, assessments, and knowledge tests Data were analyzed using averages. Standard deviation, frequency, percentage and Paired simple t-test.

              The research results found that From the restaurant development operations to the standards of clean food, delicious taste, very good level, which uses participatory operations of network partners in every sector. The operation consists of 5 steps: 1) studying the context of the area and community conditions 2) joint planning with network partners 3) implementing the plan 4) observing and following up with network partners 5) reflection Results and lessons learned from success. This allows the restaurant to pass the standards for clean, delicious, very good food, increasing from 8.33 percent to 33.33 percent, which is from having good practices. This has led to the development of restaurant operations to the standard of clean, delicious food at a very good level in Wapi Pathum Subdistrict Municipality. Wapi Pathum District successful and can lead to further development to achieve sustainable development in the future Based on the principles of community participation


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