Developing of community participatory waste management mode. Case study of Lao Bok sub-district, Muang Sam Sib District, Ubon Ratchathani Province.


  • นางสาวสุภาพร แปยอ -


solid waste management, community participatory waste management model


 The objectives of this study were 1) to study and review the situation of solid waste problems in the community and 2) to develop a model for solid waste management with community participation in the community area of Lao Bok Sub-district, Muang Sam Sib District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. A purposive sample of 75 people was selected from the district level quality of life development committee and sub-district quality of life development committee tools and data collection. Part 1: Study and review the situation of community solid waste management in Lao Bok Sub-district. Part 2: the 1st group discussion to determine the issue of creating a model for solid waste management with community participation. The 2nd group discussion to find common conclusions on the community's participatory waste management model.

         The results of the study were as follows: 1) General information of the population in Lao Bok Sub-district has a total of 5,435 people, divided into 2,625 males, accounting for 48.30 percent, females 2,810 people, accounting for 51.70 percent, totaling 1,466 households. The amount of solid waste generated in the community is 149.66 tons/month, general solid waste 81.47 tons/month, organic waste 43.02 tons/month, recycled waste 24.97 tons/month, hazardous waste 0.2 tons/month. The main problem in solid waste management is that people do not separate solid waste and put little waste to use. 2) The results of the group discussion resulted in a model for solid waste management with community participation, including sorting solid waste to be used by the community. Management from the beginning, it is separated into 4 types: organic waste, recyclable waste, general solid waste and hazardous waste. Garbage that cannot be used is collected according to the designated time as proposed by the community and disposed of properly. Lao Bok Sub-district Administrative Organization has developed a waste management model into a manual, consisting of the causes of the problem, operational methods, objectives and success indicators, results problems and obstacles and suggestions for development.


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Verisk Maplecroft Environment Dataset. Waste Generation and Recycling Indices 2019.(online2019cited17september 201)


