Effects of FAVIPIRAVIR Monitoring Program of COVID-19 Infected Patients in Fort Pichai Dab Hak Hospital, Uttaradit Province


  • มาดีฮะห์ วาเง๊าะ
  • ชนกานต์ มีรอด
  • ชนาธิป หอมทอง
  • พัชรี มีเย็น
  • ธนัญชัย จวบประสพ


Favipiravir monitoring program, Covid-19 patients, Medical professional team


This study is a quasi-experimental one groups pre-post test design. The research aimed to study the effects of Favipiravir Monitoring Program of Covid-19 Patients in Fort Pichai Dab Hak Hospital, Uttaradit Province, between 1st February and 30th April 2022. The sample was 1) COVID-19 patients, aged 18 years and over, 2) diagnosed by RT-PCR, with mild – moderate symptoms and 3) was treated with FAVIPIRAVIR. The sample size was 271 people. The research tool was the Favipiravir Monitoring Program was created by the researcher consisted of FAVIPIRAVIR Knowledge Questionnaires, Medication behavior record, Medication error record and User Satisfaction Survey. The data were analyzed by using percentages, means, standard deviations and paired-samples t-test.

The results of the study showed that 271 patients infected with the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) after using the Favipiravir Monitoring Program had significantly higher average scores of Favipiravir knowledge than before receiving the FAVIPIRAVIR Monitoring Program (p<.05). There were 239 participants (88.19%) who recorded completed Medication behaviors and 31 participants (11.44%) reported incomplete Medication behaviors. No medication errors were found after finished program. Monitoring for Favipiravir side effects of 20 patients (7.38%) were nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, respectively. The satisfaction of participants were at the high level ( =4.70, S.D.=0.43). The Favipiravir monitoring program provides patients with knowledge about Favipiravir. This program gives patients confidence to takeing medicine. Encourage patients to take medicine correctly and benefit patients.


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